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Madagascar Vanilla Powder 20g by Vanilla & Spice


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The finest pure quality Madagascar Vanilla Powder 20g glass bottle Enhance your baking and specialty drinks with the most delicious Vanilla!

Ground Vanilla Bean Powder is made of whole gourmet vanilla beans and ground to a fine powder. It is a great alternative to vanilla extract and gives you a delicious vanilla flavour without the added alcohol. One advantage of vanilla powder is that, even under high heat, it will impart its intense flavour. Because extract contains alcohol, it loses some of its potency when baking at high temperature because of evaporation. You can also simply add to your smoothies, oatmeal mix, ground coffee beans or custom tea blend to add a delicious vanilla flavour.

As a general rule, you can substitute 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract with 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder

Vanilla & Spice is Proudly Women Owned Local ON Business and Member Canadian Women in Food